(End of the American Dream)—Have you noticed that people around you are behaving more erratically? These days, you just never know what is going to set someone off. A person may seem relatively normal, but then the moment you express an opinion that they don’t like they totally lose it. It is almost as if the majority of the population is constantly “on edge” emotionally. If you are one of those people, you need to understand that nobody is going to agree with you 100 percent of the time. If I write something that you don’t agree with, that is okay. And if you say something to me that I don’t agree with, that is okay too. A free exchange of ideas is so important in our society, but a lot of people don’t seem to understand this.
Can you remember when it seemed like most of the people living in this country were relatively normal? I realize that this may be hard to believe, but there was a time when our streets were not filled with nuts and you didn’t have to worry that the next person you run into might flip out for no reason at all.
One of the big reasons why everything has gone so haywire is because we simply stopped developing deep relationships with those around us.
Today, our relationships are with our screens. According to the American Psychological Association, U.S. teens spend an average of 4.8 hours a day using social media…
4.8 hours
Average number of hours a day that U.S. teens spend using seven popular social media apps, with YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram accounting for 87% of their social media time. Specifically, 37% of teens say they spend 5 or more hours a day, 14% spend 4 to less than 5 hours a day, 26% spend 2 to less than 4 hours a day, and 23% spend less than 2 hours a day on these three apps.
Study after study has shown that heavy use of social media can lead to depression and a whole host of other emotional issues.
So it should come as no surprise that over one-fifth of all adolescents living in America “had a current, diagnosed mental or behavioral health condition in 2023”…
More than 1 in 5 adolescents in the U.S. (5.3 million) had a current, diagnosed mental or behavioral health condition in 2023, according to a new data brief from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
Among those 5.3 million adolescents, defined as children ages 12-17, anxiety was the most common condition (16.1%), followed by depression (8.4%) and behavior/conduct problems (6.3%). Female adolescents were more likely than male adolescents to be diagnosed with anxiety (20.1% of females compared to 12.3% of males) and were more likely to be diagnosed with depression (10.9% of females compared to 6% of males). However, behavior and conduct problems were nearly twice as likely to occur among male adolescents compared to female adolescents (8.2% of males compared to 4.3% of females).
And how many more have undiagnosed conditions?
Many social media communities are breeding grounds for hate. For example, an interactive map that shows the “locations of every Tesla showroom, charging station and the known residences of Department of Government Efficiency employees” is going viral on social media right now…
Elon Musk-hating hackers have doxxed Tesla owners in the United States, releasing an interactive map showing their names, addresses, phone numbers and emails.
The disturbing website, called DOGEQUEST, also provides the locations of every Tesla showroom, charging station and the known residences of Department of Government Efficiency employees.
It even lists FBI Director Kash Patel’s home and uses a symbol of a Molotov cocktail as its cursor.
Needless to say, this map has been put out there in order to get people to take action.
And after they have been fed endless hours of hate-filled propaganda, many of our young people have been perfectly primed to do just that.
Earlier this week, several vehicles were viciously set on fire at a Tesla service center in Las Vegas…
Multiple cars were set on fire at a Tesla service center in Las Vegas Tuesday morning in what authorities described as a targeted attack, and the person responsible is still at large.
A vehicle fire was first reported around 2:45 a.m. at the Tesla Collision Center in the 6000 block of Badura Avenue, near Jones Boulevard and the 215 Beltway, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police said in an email.
“LVMPD Communications received information that an individual had set several vehicles on fire in the parking lot and caused damage to the property,” police wrote.
What you feed into your mind on a regular basis is going to determine how you view the world.
It really is that simple.
Let me give you another example.
At some hospitals in New Jersey, parents are asked to provide “preferred pronouns and sexual orientation” for their newborn infants…
As if coming up with a great baby name wasn’t hard enough.
Newborns can’t even control their own movements, but that isn’t stopping New Jersey hospitals from asking parents for their baby’s preferred pronouns and sexual orientation.
Inspira Health’s “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire” requires new parents to “identify” their babies as either “Male, Female, Transgender, Gender Queer,” or “Additional gender category.”
It further asks parents to select the word that best describes their infant: “Lesbian or gay, Straight or heterosexual, Self-described, Questioning/Unsure.”
Needless to say, infants have no idea what pronouns are, and it will be years before they understand anything about “sexual orientation”.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where many feel a need to inject such cultural issues into everything, because those that are on the cutting edge of cultural change are often held up as heroes…
CNN has honored trans-identified influencer Dylan Mulvaney as its “game changer” of the week, with the social media influencer saying he told his mom as a small child that he thought “God made a mistake.”
Video footage shared by the left-leaning media watchdog Media Matters of America shows that CNN recognized Mulvaney as its “game changer” Friday.
No, God does not make any mistakes.
And God is not a pop star either.
If you can believe it, Democrats in California recently began a meeting “by reciting a prayer to Beyonce using Beyonce’s lyrics”…
California Democrats opened an assembly meeting by reciting a prayer to Beyonce using Beyonce’s lyrics and asking her for strength.
Democrats are making a mockery of God. Sickening.
Are you kidding me?
It is a very dangerous thing to mock God.
Sadly, many of our top scientists are now trying to play God. One company in Texas has announced that it actually plans to bring back the wooly mammoth by 2028…
A biotechnology company whose goal is to bring back the wooly mammoth says its recent small step is big news.
Colossal Biosciences of Texas has said it aims to restore extinct species to the planet. The company made the woolly mammoth one of its first missions, setting a goal of having a mammoth walk the earth in 2028.
Haven’t these people seen the Jurassic Park movies?
Bringing extinct species back from the dead is never a good idea.
Of course it isn’t a good idea to create super-intelligent AI entities that can think for themselves either.
In Sweden, one company has successfully developed an AI dog “that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans”…
A Swedish AI startup company has created a robot dog named Luna that has a functional digital nervous system capable of learning and adapting like humans and many animals, the company, IntuiCell, said on Wednesday.
In one of the first-use cases of physical agentic AI, which can make decisions and take actions towards specific goals rather than just perform narrow tasks or generate content, the robot dog would be able to learn like a real dog.
Does anyone out there believe that it is a good idea to create ultra-powerful, ultra-intelligent entities that can think millions of times faster than us?
To me, that is one of the most insane things that we could do.
But we are doing it anyway.
Despite all of our advanced technology, it appears that humanity is more unhappy than ever.
Americans fill approximately 6 billion prescriptions each year.
That breaks down to about 19 prescriptions per person.
Just think about that.
And a very large percentage of the pills that we take are for mental or emotional reasons.
Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that use of ADHD medications is rising the fastest among “middle-aged and older women”…
Prescriptions for ADHD medications have been spiking in recent years, with the sharpest increase among middle-aged and older women. They’re also the least likely to misuse the prescription stimulants, a new study finds.
The rise among women ages 35 to 64 has been substantial. At the end of 2022, 1.7 million women in this age group were prescribed stimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin for ADHD, compared to 1.2 million prescriptions in 2019.
We take billions of pills, but has that made our population more stable or less stable?
Needless to say, the answer is obvious.
We are in the midst of the worst mental health crisis that our nation has ever seen, and that is just one element of “the perfect storm” that is now upon us.
Our society really is coming apart at the seams right in front of our eyes.
Unfortunately, most of us still do not want to admit how far we have fallen, and that is not good at all.
Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.
See the article “Wokeism and the Death of the Democrat Party” at plainsenseandsanity.substack.com – all of this instability is being driven by the political Left.
Interesting, useful article.. No interest in spending bucks on any promoted items however. Nice try!
The problem is simpler than that…when a Christian nation abandons God, God abandons them. He gives them over to a depraved mind, Roman’s 1 says. What you see is the result if moral and spiritual depravity. We worship money and false gods, murder babies and mutilate children, promote homosexuality and commit adultery, and we lie like dogs…all of which God calls an abomination to Him. Of you don’t have the mind of Christ, you are a target for the mind of Satan. People are simply demon oppressed…or some possessed.
I constantly repeat an ancient Roman saying: “Whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive insane….”
1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
I really don’t care about middle aged and older women who have made every bad choice available to them and now have ended up barren, childless, alone, and depressed. Who I do care about are people who depend upon medication to sustain life or the ability to get up and walk. We are the ones who are going to suffer because of the insanity of a government that actively orchestrated all of it’s drug manufacturing to be shipped off overseas, primarily to our major enemy.
While Republicans were fighting (and winning) for the bad deal that was NAFTA during the Clinton administration, Bill Clinton was working to get China into the WTO, once getting the concession of better human rights for the Chinese people. (A very naive concession.)
Clinton got his wish with the United States–China Relations Act of 2000 when China was allowed into the WTO, and Clinton immediately turned around and gave them Most Favored Nation status with the US. China was supposed to lower its tariffs and allow us access to its huge population to sell our products. This is what really happened:
“China did cut tariffs after it joined the WTO, but it nonetheless continued to steal U.S. intellectual property (IP) and forced American companies to transfer technology to access the Chinese market, which were violations of WTO rules.”(Wikipedia)
China also paid their own people slave wages and the American companies just couldn’t resist the lure of the profits to be had by moving their manufacturing plants out of the US, thereby devastating the American middle class and forgetting that whole “human rights” part of the agreement.
We were never given access to the Chinese market, and to make it even worse, we now manufacture nothing. The manufacturing class of this nation abandoned us for filthy lucre and 30 pieces of silver by moving their plants from here to China almost overnight.
Before these 2 actions by Rs and Ds, a majority of the GDP in this country belonged to the middle class. Once these people we sent to Washington, DC to represent us were finished, the majority of the US GDP belongs to the top 20%. The US middle class has slowly died since 2000.
That, my friends, is why President Trump is trying to bring manufacturing back to our country. It’s 2-pronged. One is for the safety of the people who need the prescription drugs, the other is a prosperous and healthy middle class.
Learn and know your facts and help him fight this fight. 🙏
The Great Awakening is the day after the USA stops sending the entitlement Bozos their free money, free housing, free meds, free education. I never believed that it was the taxpayers responsibility to give free shit to tens of millions that HAVEN’T EVEN WORKED A SINGLE MINUTE IN THEIR ENTIRE ENTITLED LIVES.
That will save over a trillion dollars each year, DOGE should end all forms of government payments to individuals, corporations and foreign nations.
yes, its called the democrats, you have to be nuts and against the commandments of the Creator to believe in the issues they support.
Why did you refuse to publish my comment about our government putting us in the untenable position of having our prescription medicine manufactured in China? There should have been nothing false or controversial in the comment because I took great pains to assure the accuracy of my facts. It took me a long time to make sure that I cited the history of this unfortunate timetable accurately. I’m very disappointed that you so quickly dismissed my work.
Brought to us because of diversity, Hollywood, & college brainwashing
Get your “vaccines”. Make sure you get your “vaccines”.
Well, they’re all a bunch of heathens, therefore they have no hope. They open themselves up for demons and get them. They believe they’ll die like dogs, so therefore they will. Of course they’re unstable, what do you expect?
Add to that; the amount of people who have taken the Covid shot several times, have had heart attacks or sicknesses because of that; and are actually driving the freeways out there. They could keel over at the wheel, killing all around them! I have never seen worse driving in my life than what is on the road right now.
Aside from the occasional Karen cat lady, it’s ALWAYS black people being histrionic, loud and obnoxious in public. Do they all habe a chip on their shoulder? They thrive on drama, obviously.