The Stream – Right Report There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:17:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Stream – Right Report 32 32 237554330 Christians Sitting Out This Election Are Burning Down Their Own House … to Punish the Squatters Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:17:43 +0000 This cheery piece of news came to my inbox a few days ago:

[N]ew research from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, led by Dr. George Barna, indicates that millions of Christians — many of whom traditionally support conservative candidates — are unlikely to vote.

Barna says this election season is marked by a significant drop in voter enthusiasm, particularly among Christian voters who have historically been key players in determining the outcome of presidential races. According to the research, only 51% of “people of faith” are likely to vote this November, a figure that could have dire implications for President Trump’s re-election prospects.

The results also revealed that large numbers of Christian churches have distanced themselves from the election, refusing to even encourage congregants to vote and avoiding teaching related to many of the key social issues on which the election may hinge. …

“In 2020, the gap between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden was just seven million votes. The real story lies in the margins of victory in swing states, where an average of 60,000 votes per state determined nearly 40% of the electoral votes needed to win,” Barna emphasized. “In this context, the 32 million regular churchgoers who won’t vote in 2024 is a gamechanger.”

At this point, the temptation is to give in to anger. Indignation would be righteous, and rightly could be aimed in many directions. The first obvious target is the Trump campaign, which watered down the GOP platform, and adopted a neutral “states’ rights” approach to abortion — humiliating a key part of its own political base without winning over many swing voters. You don’t see the Democrats backing down from open borders, child castration, groomer filth in public school libraries, or massive cash giveaways to the entitled and undeserving — from student loan deadbeats to fake “refugees”— do you?

Why does our side have to make all the compromises? That infuriates me too. It makes me feel weak and small. You know what makes it worse? The grim realization that this GOP capitulation isn’t the disease, but merely the symptom.

Weary of Warmongers and Useful Idiots

Trump isn’t making the pro-life, pro-family movement politically marginal by making these decisions. (Though he surely isn’t helping.) The causation runs the other way around. He’s recognizing the fact that we’re politically marginal, that we haven’t convinced the country, so he’s not giving us the half-loaf we’d hoped for, but merely a slice or two. […]

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The Cheneys Go Marxist to Save Democracy Sun, 13 Oct 2024 19:48:21 +0000 The biggest political problem in post-Vietnam War Washington that haunts Americans is that they rarely have a good choice in whom to elect to do the people’s business.

On the one hand, the radicalized Democrat Party that emerged out of the revolutionary violence of 1968 has progressively grown into the locus of darkness, malevolence, tyranny, and godlessness — so much so that today, its presidential candidate is a woman who never received one vote or captured one delegate. Vice President Kamala Harris is, of course, the second presidential candidate in this century born and raised a Marxist after Barack Obama who became downright Jeffersonian when running for president – hiding the loud and proud sweep of their radicalism. (More background here.)

That one has to hide his or her life-long radical ties and beliefs from the voters whose support they seek, with the help of the corrupt corporate media axis, ought to be a prominent campaign issue. But, alas, it is the brave new world where up is down and the lie stalks the truth like a hungry lion circling a limping gazelle.

The opposition party to that threat, the GOP, is a loose confederation of conservatives and “establishment” Republicans, for want of a better description, that has proven itself most often weak, ineffective, and without the backbone or courage to confront error with common sense, corruption with outrage, and lies with truth – and the Truth. […]

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