“The Sand People are easily startled,” Obi-Wan Kenobi explained to young Luke Skywalker. The wise Jedi Master (who really should’ve been a pal and warned Luke not to kiss his sister) was referencing the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine, but he could’ve also been speaking about the modern-day Democratic Party: They’re easily startled, too.
It’s why they removed Joe Biden from the ticket.
There is absolutely NO scenario were a bad debate just a few months before an election would lead the GOP to pull a coup and depose a sitting president. No way, no how — not ever!
But then again, Republicans and Democrats think differently.
When it comes to planning and executing political tactics, the greatest weakness Republicans have is that we don’t think like Democrats. (And the exact opposite is also true.) We expect the opposition to make similar calculations and/or risk-reward calculations. When they don’t, our imagination goes into overdrive, leading to absolutely bizarre conspiracy theories. (If you don’t believe me, go watch five minutes of MSNBC. That’ll give you a good take of the liberal side.) […]
— Read More: pjmedia.com
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