We’re entering the closing quarter of the 2024 presidential election. Emotions are whirling; anxiety is growing; everyone’s on pins and needles. We’re famished for clarity — for words of wisdom — searching for a way to find meaning in it all.
The truth is, nobody really knows who’s “winning” right now. (And besides, “winning” an election before Election Day is kind of like “winning” the Super Bowl on the preceding Saturday: It doesn’t really mean anything.) There are simply too many moving parts. Because of deaths, immigration (illegal and otherwise), COVID-related rule-changes, state-to-state migration, and more, there isn’t anyone alive who can legitimately tell you who’s ahead and who’s behind.
But that won’t stop ‘em from trying.
There’s no shortage of “experts” who’ll tell you whatever you want to hear. Whether you’re on the Left or the Right, you can find a pundit who’ll tell you everything’s awesome. Since the dawn of time, there’s always been great social equity in claiming insights everyone else lacks, whether it’s prophecy, financial knowledge, political solutions, or divine knowledge. […]
— Read More: pjmedia.com