With most ballots tabulated in each state, the outcome of these referendums produced some wins and losses for America’s pro-life movement.
Heading into last week’s contest, Democrat activists managed to place radical pro-abortion initiatives on the ballot in 10 states across the country. With some of them funded by wealthy left-wing and dark money groups, these campaigns sought to deceive voters into enshrining baby-killing into their states’ respective constitutions.
With most ballots tabulated in each state, the projected outcomes of these referendums produced some wins and losses for America’s pro-life movement. Here’s a breakdown of these proposed amendments and whether voters have approved or rejected them.
The Good
There were several significant wins for pro-lifers and unborn babies in several states throughout the country.
In South Dakota, voters overwhelmingly rejected Amendment G. As The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd previously reported, that amendment contained “vague and undefined language [that] would allow [abortion] through all nine months of pregnancy as long as a physician deems it necessary for women’s ‘health,’” and “open[ed] the door for outside activists like Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union to sue to eliminate parental rights and conscience protections for doctors who have moral or religious objections to abortion.” […]
— Read More: thefederalist.com