Every American, whether Republican or Democrat, gets an image in their heads when they hear the phrase “childless cat lady.” The ornery, wild-haired crone. The dilapidated house and overgrown weeds. The outdated, peeling wallpaper and dusty cookbooks. Boxes of broken and mismatched bric-a-brac, their existence long since forgotten until a naïve caretaker suggests she throw it out, at which time she furiously declares it a priceless treasure.
And cats. Everywhere, cats. Pampered cats and emaciated cats. Purchased cats and stray cats, vaccinated cats and feral cats, live cats and dead cats. And cat hair. And opened cans of cat food. And cat waste. On the carpet. On the furniture. On the bed. On the countertops.
Such is the fantasy of code enforcement officers the nation over. But when the media dug up an old clip of J.D. Vance criticizing “childless cat ladies,” the Left collapsed into its usual, predictable hysterics. USA Today chummed the waters and found plenty of grievance studies professors and abortion activists who claimed Vance is “absolutely terrified of the power of American women” and intends to “keep women barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen with no human rights.”
His comment was intentionally misrepresented as an attack on women (and couples) unable to have kids, who adopt kids, or who can’t afford kids. But anyone who listened to his complete sentence would not have derived any of this. He also criticized corporate oligarchs, but the Left wasn’t going to let that get in the way of a good ol’ edited soundbite.
Vance’s criticism of “childless cat ladies” was that people who willingly choose to not have children for selfish reasons are detrimental to the advancement and continuation of our society. And he’s right, for two reasons. […]
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